Course curriculum

  • 2
    2. Am I Ready?
    • Chapter Two Introduction
    • Personality, and the Seven Faces of Philanthropy
    • Chapter Two Personality and 7 Faces
    • You are the Best Major Donor Fundraiser in Europe - your personal quiz
    • Useful stuff for building relationships: with a donor, with your organization, with yourself.
    • How to keep your cool at all times: a podcast about relationship management and yoga
    • Niels Kattenberg (Rabobank)and Elsbeth about skills and characteristics of a major donor fundraiser.
    • Useful Stuff - Reading about philanthropy in Europe
    • What Next?
  • 3
    3. Are We Ready?
    • Chapter three introduction
    • The Check Your Organisation Quiz!
    • What do you Need?
    • Leadership
    • Time, people, dedication - self test
    • A Budget for Major Donor Fundraising
    • Stakeholders - who are they?
    • Useful Stuff #3: Benchmark
    • What Next?
  • 4
    4. Who are the Major Donors in Europe?
    • Chapter Four Introduction - who are the major donors in Europe
    • Major donors in Europe – segments, motivation, trends
    • Case Study: Elsbeth talks about two philanthropists
    • Case Study: Chris talks about two philanthropists
    • Market segments: donors, advisors, intermediaries.
    • Understanding Venture Philanthropy - edited extract from Chris' book
    • Guus Loomans: Philanthropy and private banking
    • Useful Stuff #4 - Find the Trends
    • What Next?
  • 5
    5. Find Your Philanthropist
    • Introduction
    • Prospect Research - The Process
    • What to Look for, Step One
    • What to Look for, Step Two
    • What to Look for, Step Three
    • What to Look for, Step Four
    • Interview with Bertrand Michels, on Prospect Research at MSF Switzerland
    • Case Study - How your Board can help you find prospects
    • Nicola Williams, on privacy, GDPR and prospect research
    • Prospect Research and GDPR
    • Useful Stuff - The Foundations of Europe
    • Sources for Prospect Research in Europe
    • Profiles - Download these examples
    • What Next?
  • 6
    6. Build your Value Proposition
    • Build your Value Proposition - Introduction
    • Your Theory of Change
    • The Value Proposition - background
    • The Product Value Chain
    • Developing a Value Proposition
    • Useful Stuff - Examples of Value Propositions
    • What Next?
  • 7
    7. Line up Leadership
    • Introduction to Chapter 7
    • Leaders, and Major Donor Fundraising in Europe
    • Relationships and power: the major donor fundraiser and the structure of the organisation
    • Power and relationships: two examples and four lessons.
    • Barbara de Colombe: Leadership in major donor fundraising
    • Retaining major donor fundraisers, and how to keep you happy
    • Leadership and the Rose of Leary
    • Useful stuff: books on power and leadership.
    • What Next?
  • 8
    8. Let's Get Talking
    • Introduction to Chapter 8
    • Positive Conversations
    • Quiz: Real-Life Situations with Prospects
    • Those First Meetings
    • Learn how to make contact with Madame LaRiche....
    • Evaluating contacts; the methods we saw in Chapter 5.
    • Moves Management: an example
    • Useful Stuff #8: The meal as a metaphor.
    • What Next?
  • 9
    9. Action!
    • Introduction to Chapter 9, Action Plan
    • Build Your Action Plan
    • My Major Donor Action Plan